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Alex Kostich’s Ten Tips

3 Time Winner Waikiki Roughwater Swim

1) Exactly 24 hours before you anticipate finishing the race, go to the Finish line and swim out to the two channel markers and practice swimming in to shore with the waves at your back. Pay attention to currents and tides; it’s likely they will be similar on race day.

2) Try and get to Sans Souci beach (race start) on a morning before race day, and swim out about 600m with a buddy to get sense of the currents, waves, and “sighting” landmarks along the coast.

3) Practice “sighting” off-shore, noticing Relevant landmarks that you will need to look for (such as the Hilton’s rainbow facade) that will help guide you in the race.

4) Come prepared on race day with a container of Vaseline: application is essential to prevent saltwater chafing around your neck and underarm area.

5) Come to the race hydrated and drink plenty of water before the Race start. The ocean is warm and the duration of the race is Long, so you will end up thirsty towards the end of the swim.

6) The race start can be intimidating and there is lots of flailing limbs that can result in lost goggles or injury. If you are a fast swimmer it’s best to sprint ahead of the pack and get into open water. If you are more of a novice whose goal is to finish the race, be sure to pace yourself and let the majority of your wave get a 5-10 second head start; you will enjoy the race more and quite possibly overtake the fast starters later in the race!

7) Be prepared for anything: if your biggest concern is losing your goggles then try swimming part of your warm-up without them (this way, if the unthinkable occurs, it won’t ruin your race and you will have the peace of mind to endure it).

8) Wear sunscreen the day before the race. Sunscreen is not only important on race day, but the day before too. If your shoulders burn it may restrict your range of motion in the water and cause for an unpleasant and painful swim.

9) Have a light meal the night before the race. I personally recommend the local Spaghetti Factory at 6pm) and stick to your normal routine the morning of the swim; if you usually eat a small breakfast before training then have something similar before the race. If you prefer to race/train on an empty stomach, then do that.

10) Have fun. This is the most beautiful and exciting ocean race in the country, if not the world. Personally, I used to stress out about the competition and get really anxious – but after competing in the race 14 consecutive years, I keep coming back for the experience, the camaraderie, and the beauty of the race course.

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